main image text on right printable cat bookmarks with pictures of bookmarks on left and a white wooden background

The Cutest Printable Cat Bookmarks Ever

These days, it seems like everyone is reading on their phones or computers. While there’s nothing wrong with that, there’s something special about reading an old-fashioned paper book. If you’re looking for a way to encourage yourself or your kids to read more, these printable cat bookmarks are the perfect solution! They’re easy and fun to make, and they’ll help keep your place in whatever book you’re reading. And who doesn’t love cats? Keep reading to find out how to make these adorable bookmarks.

You’ll need a few supplies before you get started: printer paper, scissors, and for extra durability laminating sleeves and a laminator. Once you have everything you need, just follow these simple steps:

1. Print out the bookmarks.
2. Cut out each of bookmarks you want to use.
3. Optional: you can laminate the bookmarks to help make them more durable and last longer.
4. Slide the bookmark into your book and start reading!

picture of 4 cat bookmarks with words above saying printable bookmarks - cat

picture of 4 cat bookmarks with words above saying printable bookmarks - cat

Making these cat bookmarks is a quick and easy project that’s perfect for kids or adults alike. And once you’ve made them, you’ll have a cute and practical way to encourage reading. So gather up your supplies and give it a try!

Download Printable Cat Bookmarks

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